Episode 002 | Baby Proofing ain't What the Doctor Ordered
This episodes conversation is sparked by What The Doctor Said. (Side Note: our pediatrician is AWESOME!) Kelly didn't agree, and figured Sergeant Susie wouldn't either... and she was right!
But first, Kelly shares how Sleep Training has been going since the discussion in the previous episode, Episode 001 | Sleep Training, AKA, Mama Training 101.
This episode dives into baby proofing, recommended by the doctor, much to our agreement, but he suggested something that we find to be a little dangerous. Have yourself a listen, and let us know what you think!
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the views and opinions expressed by the host and guests of this podcast, The Sergeant Susie Show, are their own and do not reflect the views or opinions of any agency or organization they may work for. This show is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide professional advice and should not be taken as fact or used for commercial purposes.